सफलता.कॉम द्वारा ग्लोबल मार्केट ट्रेंड्स एवं पैकेजिंग सॉल्यूशन्स विषय पर आयोजित किये गए मास्टर क्लास सेशन में डीसीजी पैक के सीईओ व संस्थापक सुरेश बंसल ने ग्लोबल मार्केट ट्रेंड्स पर कहा कि बहुत सालों से, मैं कहूं 90 के दशक से भारत उत्पाद बनाने में पीछे है
With the growth of e-commerce and retail industry, the demand for packaging is also increasing.
In a master class session organized by Safalta.com on the topic of global market trends and packaging solutions, Suresh Bansal, CEO and Founder of DCG Pack, said on global market trends that for many years, I would say since the 90s, India has been lagging behind in manufacturing products but has gone ahead in service. Both quality and good packaging are important for export. In the decades after 90, India has been doing very well in engineering, technology and software industry. In which today we are dominating the whole world especially in the software industry. Because the talent of India in engineering and technology gradually spread all over the world. Whether you talk about Australia, England, Germany, America, Indians have reached the top positions in the top companies there. Here the country is continuously gaining depth in software. Today we have made a better hold in projects, outsourcing, knowledge centers and research. Today the effects of many Hollywood films are being prepared from the studios of India. Companies like Apple have set up their manufacturing units in India. Many foreign companies are investing in India. Startup India ecosystem has developed in India. After Covid-19, about 2 lakh startups have started in India.
In these startups, the youth have done such work with the help of research, investigation and technology that we could not even think about. Today India is providing the cheapest treatment to people in the health sector across the world. A new path of digital technology has opened in the country. There is a huge scope of moving from IT to AI in the new trends of AI. We are doing a lot of work in robotics. A lot of work is being done in digital marketing and designing. The demand for India's Khadi has increased worldwide, the sustainable products here are creating interest in the people. Products are also being made here from bamboo, paddy straw and sugarcane weeds, vines from ponds. He said that India will have to focus on quality in its products. The shoe which is made in Agra or Kanpur is sold in the market for Rs. 600. Whereas the shoe made from the same leather in Switzerland, Germany or China is sold for Rs. 10,000. Switzerland sells the same shoe for Rs. 60,000 in its currency. The raw material of Agra and ours is the same but their way of working, their way of working minutely on small things makes them better. Taiwan is a big centre of design at present. Taiwan has learnt design from Italy and Germany. Due to which the packaging and design of the products being made in China today is no less than the products of Europe. He said that Indian Institute of Design was opened in India. But India needs to prepare the world's largest design centre for packaging. In which designers from Italy, Germany and Taiwan should be present.
He talked about the changes that started after the increasing use of internet in India. In which Suresh Bansal said that today the e-commerce sector has become a very big industry in the country. Apart from this, today there are many companies which do not have any store, they have built a billion dollar business only through online apps. Zomato, Swiggy started the service of taking food from the restaurant and delivering it to the customer. They got the opportunity because earlier there were limited seats in good restaurants. People had to wait for the seat to become vacant to eat. But the business of these delivery companies gave jobs to millions of people. Questioning the role of Indian Post Office in India, he said that the services which should have been started by the post office in India long ago were not done. Due to which foreign companies and private companies got the opportunity to come forward and do postal work. Today the post offices of China and America are giving better delivery than any private agency. If a person sitting in America orders something from a Chinese former, then China Post packs it and delivers it to that person sitting in America in 10-12 days. India has also started coastal services recently. Which private companies have started years ago.
Talking about sustainable products and packaging, he said that the country is working on Sustainable Goals for Net Zero Emissions by 2030. He said that there is a need to reduce the use of plastic. There is a need to work on such packing material which can easily bio-decompose. Nowadays, after stopping the use of plastic, the trend of paper bags has increased in companies. Due to which the cutting of trees is increasing. In such a situation, this is also not a good trend from the environmental point of view. He said that work was started on preparing packing material from mushrooms. Which will easily decompose in the environment. The material prepared from this was replaced with thermocol. Apart from this, packaging material was prepared from she-beads in Una which is environment friendly. Packaging is also being prepared from bamboo and paddy straw in the country. Sugarcane husk is being used in packaging on a large scale. Bansal said that there are many opportunities for the youth in the packaging industry. Today you can make your career in this industry by learning digital marketing, graphic design, design skills, packaging skills from any institute