Friday, September 20, 2024

भाजपा और कांग्रेस के बीच सियासी विवाद शुरू हो गया है, चिट्ठी के जरिए आरोप-प्रत्यारोप लगाया जा रहा है

New Delhi , Latest Updated On - Sep 19 2024 | 10:19:00 AM

भाजपा और कांग्रेस के बीच चिट्ठी के जरिए आरोप-प्रत्यारोप का दौर शुरू हो गया है।

Political dispute has started between BJP and Congress, allegations and counter-allegations are being made through letters

A round of allegations and counter-allegations has started between BJP and Congress through letters. Earlier, Congress President Mallikarjun Kharge had written a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressing displeasure over the controversial comments being made against Rahul Gandhi. Now BJP National President JP Nadda has written a letter to Kharge and hit back.

In his reply letter, JP Nadda wrote, 'Mallikarjun Kharge ji, due to political compulsion, you have written a letter to the Prime Minister of the country Modi in an attempt to once again polish and launch your failed product, which has been repeatedly rejected by the public, in the market. After reading that letter, I felt that the things said by you are far from reality and truth. It seems that in the letter you have either forgotten or deliberately ignored the misdeeds of your leaders including Rahul Gandhi, so I felt that it is necessary to bring those things to your notice in detail.

He further wrote, 'Since you selectively talked about only Rahul Gandhi in your letter, I would like to start my talk with him. Due to what compulsion are you trying to justify Rahul Gandhi, a person whose history is of abusing the entire OBC community including the Prime Minister of the country by calling them thieves, using extremely indecent words for the Prime Minister of the country, who has talked about beating the Prime Minister of the country with a stick in the Parliament, whose impudent mentality is known to the whole country.

JP Nadda wrote, 'It was Rahul Gandhi's mother Sonia Gandhi, wasn't it Kharge ji, who used extremely rude abusive words like 'maut ka saudagar' for Modi ji? You and your party leaders kept glorifying all these unfortunate and shameful statements! Why did the Congress forget the political purity then? When Rahul Gandhi openly said that he will ruin Modi's image, who broke the political decorum, Mr. Kharge? I understand that Mr. Kharge is compelled to defend and glorify your failed product, but at least being the Congress President, you should have introspected on these things.

JP Nadda wrote, 'Mr. Kharge, it is very sad that the oldest political party of the country has now become a 'copy and paste' party under the pressure of its famous prince. Reaching the pinnacle of political greed, now the Congress party of Rahul Gandhi has also started adopting the bad habits of the party and the irony is that it has started feeling decorated by it. The leaders of Congress and Company have abused the Prime Minister of the country more than 110 times in the last 10 years and it is also unfortunate that the top leadership of the Congress is also involved in this. Then why do words like political purity, decorum, discipline, etiquette disappear from your and Congress' dictionary? On one hand you are pleading for political purity, but on the other hand your party and your leaders have a history of flouting political purity. Why such a double standard?

He wrote, 'Congress leaders did not even spare PM Modi's parents, they were also insulted. In the history of independent India, no public leader has ever been insulted as much as your party leaders have insulted the country's Prime Minister. Not only this, the leaders of your party who abused the country's Prime Minister were given bigger posts in the Congress. If I start counting such examples, then you also know that a separate book will have to be written for it. Haven't such statements and actions shamed the country, shattered political decorum? How did you forget this Kharge ji.

JP Nadda wrote, 'Kharge ji, what is the Congress party proud of about Rahul Gandhi? Because they hug Pakistan-backed anti-India people or because they go and stand in programs supporting terrorists? Because they seek support from forces that break the country or because they demand foreign forces to intervene in the country's democracy? Because they incite one community against another by doing reservation and caste politics in the country or because they go to foreign soil and express their intention to end reservation and snatch the rights of Dalits, backward and tribals? Because they spew venom against the peace of Jammu and Kashmir or because they support the release of terrorists, talks with Pakistan, trade with Pakistan and bringing back Article 370? Because they say that Hindus are a bigger threat than Pakistani terrorist organizations or because they repeatedly insult Hindu Sanatan culture? Because they ask for proof of the bravery of army personnel or because they call the bravery of the soldiers 'khoon ki dalaali' (blood brokerage)? That is why you make controversial statements on the turbans and bangles of Sikh brothers? In such a situation, does your writing this letter expose the Congress's clear double standards or not?

He further wrote, 'Kharge ji, apart from Rahul Gandhi, from Sam Pitroda to Imran Masood, from K Suresh to Digvijay Singh, from Shashi Tharoor to P Chidambaram and Sushil Shinde, what all have your leaders not done to defame the country? Making the North fight with the South, inciting one community against the other, this is what Congress has become known for! Your leaders

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