The relationship was put to shame in Mehdiya village of Jaisinghpur area. This case is from Mehdiya village of Jaisinghpur, where younger brother Raj Nath along with his son and wife attacked the elder brother.
The relationship was put to shame in Mehdiya village of Jaisinghpur area. This case is from Mehdiya village of Jaisinghpur, where younger brother Raj Nath along with his son and wife attacked the elder brother. Elder brother died during treatment in the district hospital due to attack with rods and sticks.
The reason for the incident was a dispute over cutting a branch hanging on the tin shed located in the shed of the house. The opponent (younger brother) was refusing to cut the minor branch. Due to which the controversy escalated and Holi of blood was played. During rescue, the father of the deceased was also bludgeoned to death. Who are undergoing treatment in the hospital. Let us tell you that the houses of both the parties are adjacent to each other. Please note that the incident took place in front of the deceased's house.