Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel said Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to him over the phone on Thursday morning, in which he inquired about the flood situation and relief measures for the affected people. In a post on Twitter, CM Patel said that the PM guided him on several matters, including quickly restoring public life. As Gujarat has been receiving heavy rains for the last three days,
PM Modi called and inquired about the flood situation and relief measures for the affected people: Bhupendra Patel.
Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel said Prime Minister Narendra Modi spoke to him over the phone on Thursday morning, in which he inquired about the flood situation and relief measures for the affected people. In a post on Twitter, CM Patel said that the PM guided him on several matters, including quickly restoring public life. As Gujarat has been receiving heavy rains for the last three days,
Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji once again spoke to me over the phone this morning to enquire about the situation. He enquired about the relief measures being taken for the affected people of various districts of the state. Expressing concern over the flooding of Vishwamitri river in Vadodara, he sought details of the relief and assistance being provided to the affected people, he said. The Prime Minister gave directions on matters including sanitation and public health in the flood-affected areas and once again assured all possible assistance from the Central Government to restore normal life, the Gujarat Chief Minister said. Earlier on Wednesday, Prime Minister Modi spoke to Gujarat Chief Minister Bhupendra Patel over the phone and assured him all possible assistance from the Central Government.
The Indian Meteorological Department has also predicted more rain in the state today. The Meteorological Department said, Saurashtra and Kutch may receive extremely heavy rainfall. Very heavy rainfall may occur in Gujarat. The fire brigade in Devbhoomi Dwarka has rescued eight people from flood-affected areas. These people were stranded at Charkala Road, Avadpara Extension in Dwarka. Meanwhile, following a request from the Gujarat government, six columns of the Indian Army are carrying out rescue operations in the worst affected areas as incessant rains have led to flood-like situation in parts of the state. "In response to the severe flooding in several districts, the Indian Army has rapidly mobilised its resources to assist in the ongoing relief efforts. Following a request from the Gujarat State Government, six columns of the Indian Army are carrying out rescue operations in the worst affected areas, to provide immediate Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR)," the Army said in a statement on Thursday. Earlier, the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) had rescued 95 people.