The High Court has acquitted four accused in a famous murder case committed by shooting in Segebahar, Raipur in the year 2017. The court has said that only recovery of weapons cannot be the basis for conviction, some established purpose of committing the crime should be proved. Segebahar shootout In this decision of the division bench of Chief Justice Ramesh Sinha and Justice Bibhu Dutta Guru, Mohammad Yasin, Sheikh Gufran Ahmed, Mohammad Asif Ahmed and Sheikh Sameer Ahmed were acquitted of all charges in the case of murder of Bablu alias Irfan in 2017. These four accused were earlier convicted by the trial court, but the High Court acquitted them after a serious analysis of the evidence.
Recovery of weapons cannot be the basis for conviction: Chhattisgarh High Court
The High Court has acquitted four accused in a famous murder case committed by shooting in Segebahar, Raipur in the year 2017. The court has said that only recovery of weapons cannot be the basis for conviction, some established purpose of committing the crime should be proved. Segebahar shootout In this decision of the division bench of Chief Justice Ramesh Sinha and Justice Bibhu Dutta Guru, Mohammad Yasin, Sheikh Gufran Ahmed, Mohammad Asif Ahmed and Sheikh Sameer Ahmed were acquitted of all charges in the case of murder of Bablu alias Irfan in 2017. These four accused were earlier convicted by the trial court, but the High Court acquitted them after a serious analysis of the evidence.
The case dates back to June 15, 2017, when the complainant told that Bablu alias Irfan was returning from a family function. Then four masked men on a motorcycle stopped his car near Sejbahar in Raipur and shot Irfan in the head. In this case, the police arrested four accused on the basis of old enmity and the statement of the complainant and presented the challan in the court after confiscating the weapons from them. The accused were sentenced by the Sessions Court. Against this, the accused filed an appeal in the High Court.