ग्रेटर नोएडा प्राधिकरण की अतिरिक्त मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी (एसीईओ) प्रेरणा सिंह ने बृहस्पतिवार को महाप्रबंधक आरके देव के साथ आईजीआरएस और प्रोजेक्ट विभाग के अंतर्गत वर्क सर्कल 4 और 7 में चल रहे विकास कार्यों की समीक्षा की।
Emphasis on progress of development works in the review meeting of Greater Noida Authority

Additional Chief Executive Officer (ACEO) of Greater Noida Authority, Prerna Singh, on Thursday reviewed the development works going on in Work Circle 4 and 7 under IGRS and Project Department with General Manager RK Dev. In this meeting, he directed to complete the widening work of 130 meter road within the time limit and with quality. During the review, the ACEO took stock of the status of drain and road widening under construction in Sector Ecotech-2. He also discussed in detail the road maintenance works going on from Surajpur-Kasna Road to LG roundabout. In particular, emphasis was laid on following the prescribed design and rules for making speed breakers. Instructions were given to complete the ongoing work soon to end the problem of traffic jam at Itaida roundabout. Apart from this, a plan has also been made to install traffic signals at the roundabouts where the problem of traffic jam is increasing.
During the meeting, Prerna Singh called for special attention on quick and quality redressal of public grievances. She directed all the officers to deal with the complaints of citizens on priority so that their problems can be resolved quickly. Other officers present in the meeting included BM RP Singh and senior in-charge. The ACEOs expressed positive feedback on the progress of development works and said that successful implementation of these works will improve the infrastructure of the city and provide better services to the citizens. These steps taken by the Greater Noida Authority are important from the developmental point of view and will prove to be helpful in the overall progress of the city.