An accused was arrested and sent to jail after illegal country liquor was recovered. Gautam Buddha Nagar: As per the instructions of Excise Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh and under the leadership of Police Commissioner Laxmi Singh and District Officer Manish Kumar Verma, District Excise Officer Gautam Buddha Nagar, as part of the enforcement campaign being run against the extraction of illegal liquor and illegal liquor trade.
An accused was arrested and sent to jail after illegal country liquor was recovered. Gautam Buddha Nagar: As per the instructions of Excise Commissioner, Uttar Pradesh and under the leadership of Police Commissioner Laxmi Singh and District Officer Manish Kumar Verma, District Excise Officer Gautam Buddha Nagar, as part of the enforcement campaign being run against the extraction of illegal liquor and illegal liquor trade. Giving information, Municipal Subodh Kumar said that last day, Excise Inspector Zone-7 was illegally selling 43 pav of thick orange spiced country liquor for sale in Chandigarh from Bombay's culvert near village Duriyai Marg from Harishchandra Bagh in police station Badalpur. And one accused Ravi Kumar, son of Phool Singh, resident of village Dairy Machha Badalpur, with 47 fifths of country liquor Katrina, strength 200 ml, intensity 36% v/v, has been arrested and sent to jail after registering a case under section 60/63 of the Excise Act.
District Excise Officer Subodh Kumar said that under the direction of the District Magistrate, intensive search campaign will continue in the district regarding the sale of illegal liquor. He has cautioned those doing illegal liquor business and said that strictest action will be taken against them under the Excise Act.